It’s always nice to name your cockapoo and labrador mix something unique and different. ‘Boris’ has done the rounds many times, and more traditional names such as ‘Lily’ and ‘Buttercup’ seem to miss the mark somehow. If you want to name your pet something uncommon, it’s always best to match the name with their personality.
Here are 14 unique names for a cockapoo and labrador mix:
In the rest of this article, I will go through these names and what makes them unique and special. Each one says a little something about what kind of dog yours is, so read on to find out what makes them so interesting.
1. Doodle
If you’re looking for a fun name for a fun dog with a good sense of humor, this is the one for you. Since both cockapoos and labradors are energetic, fun-filled, and exceedingly entertaining, you can’t go wrong with a name like this.
With an easy-going personality and a fun-loving charm, Doodle will undoubtedly live up to the name. If you’re naming a playful and outgoing pup, you won’t be disappointed with this one.
2. Wolf
For those hard-working dogs who are endlessly helping you out, you’ve got to find a name that suits them. If your cockapoo/labrador mix is serious, level-headed, dedicated to its owner, and always down to work hard, this is the name for you.
Wolf is an excellent name for your natural hunter, always looking to be by your side in everything you do. Stocky and always up for a challenge, Wolf is a loyal dog that won’t be easily led astray.
3. (Mr) Darcy
Labrador and cockapoo mixes are arguably the gentlest and most loving canine breed. If you’re looking for a romantic name that suits either a male or female, (Mr) Darcy is a fantastic choice.
Loyal and loving right to the very end (Mr) Darcy will probably never leave your side. They will love you forever as intensely as you can imagine – so, if your puppy only has eyes for you, this is the name to choose.
4. Billy
If your pooch is a real rough-and-tumble kind of pet, constantly rolling in the mud or chasing squirrels and coming back with dirt on their nose, then Billy is the perfect name for them.
Since cockapoos, in particular, have a reputation for being overly energetic and hyperactive, Billy seems to be a fitting name. It easily rolls off the tongue so that you can always sharply call your puppy back when they’ve ventured into yet another muddy puddle, and you can be sure that Billy will invariably come running back to you.
5. Pumpkin
With golden curls and adoring eyes, your cockapoo and labrador mix will always look like two sugars in a ball of soft fur. Pumpkin is a familiar name for an overly-affectionate canine who needs to sit on your lap at all times.
If your puppy has a brightly-colored coat and the characteristics of an obsessive friend, Pumpkin will suit them down to the ground.
6. Pablo
Is your darling pup a bit of a sass queen? If so, Pablo is an excellent choice for you. If they tend to be a bit cheeky – which cockapoos are often famed for – then you’ll need to give them a name that reflects that.
Pablo, a coquettish Spanish name that demonstrates the sassy nature of your canine, will always keep you on your toes.
7. Dumpling
If you are on the lookout for a unique name that no one else will have, Dumpling is an excellent choice. Playful and food-loving, your pup will almost certainly suit Dumpling – especially if they’ve got a little tummy!
Labradors tend to adore all things food-related, so Dumpling will suit those canines that just have to eat everything in sight – including your couch cushions.
8. Bear
If your dog has thick fur and looks as cuddly as they can be, Bear is an adorable name for them. Bear won’t always be the brightest of puppies, but they’ll surely give you the love you are looking for.
If your pup sometimes gets confused, is quiet but loving, and has thick curls that make him look like a teddy, Bear is an excellent choice.
9. Kronk
Searching for a dog name can get overwhelming, especially when there are so many good options. Narrowing down your search to a specific inspiration is a great way to ensure you pick a unique and unusual name for your pet.
Taking inspiration from Disney helps provide alternative options that you might not otherwise have considered. Picking a name like Cruella likely isn’t a great idea if you love your pet, but otherwise, there are plenty of Disney-inspired characters for you to get creative.
Kronk is a great name for those cockapoo and labrador mixes who are lively and spirited, are easily offended, but follow you everywhere with a most loyal eye. They may not successfully be able to make you spinach puffs, but they’ll certainly be right behind you in everything you do.
10. Sylvester
Following the tradition of using specific inspiration to create viable name options for your puppy, choosing a name inspired by a celebrity you love is an excellent way to keep the name unique and relevant.
If you love Sylvester Stallone and the Rocky franchise, Sylvester is a perfect name for your cockapoo and labrador mix. Loyal and boisterous, your puppy will almost certainly stand out.
11. Waffles
Another good source of inspiration for a dog’s name is food. Whatever your favorite food may be, you can easily twist it to find a fantastic and fun name for your pet.
If you love waffles and make them all the time, there’s a good chance your dog will love them too. Food lovers for life and always grateful for tidbits from the table, Waffles will always appreciate it when you share your food.
12. Daffy
Floral-inspired pet names like Lily, Rosy, Poppy, and Daisy are common, but there’s no reason to default to the classics with your unique pup. Lots of people seem to love the idea of naming their pet after a flower because they’re oh-so-beautiful.
Daffy is an excellent choice and is utterly unique. Short for Daffodil, Daffy will always spring up at the first chance of a walk and dance around the house with you when you get home from work.
13. El Chapo
If you’re into true crime documentaries and you’re looking for a name that reflects that, El Chapo is cute and audacious all at once. If your ‘cockador’ is always running away or looking for chances to escape on a walk, Chappy will suit them down to the ground.
This name is probably only for the crime enthusiasts who love a bit of dark history, but Chappy is an excellent nickname for those who want to keep the actual name inside the house. If you look after them, they’ll look after you.
14. Bambi
Suppose your cockador has the tendency to be a bit shy and nervous and can only relax around certain people due to general anxiousness. In that case, Bambi is an appropriate choice for your pet.
Bambi is sweet and filled with joy every time you come home and maybe suffers a bit when you leave them. Nervous on walks but always happy to follow you wherever you go, you’ll always be in good company with Bambi around.
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